Feedback and testimonials
The good results of my clients are the most important goals of my work. My greatest wish is to bring satisfaction, flexibility and serenity to my clients.
Read here, what results I already could achieve and what my clients are saying about me and my work.
I have lived in France for 8 years and have looked for a massage therapist for many years. I have a cervical hernia and suffer from arthritis and I need a physical therapist to cope with the pain. This summer I met Sandra and she was a God send she is what I had been looking for several years. She does a deep tissue massage that makes a difference and makes me feel much better after I visit her. I recommend her to anyone looking for a real solution to any muscle or back pain. Thank you Sandra for all your help!
Heute Morgen habe ich mit dem Rundum Sorglos Paket angefangen. Ich habe mein Training, welches Sandra individuell auf mich abgestimmt hat begonnen mit einer Runde Stretching und Gymnastik. Ich habe sofort merken können, dass ich an den richtigen Stellen und Funktionen meines Körpers am Arbeiten war. Abgerundet habe ich mein Training mit etwas mir völlig Unbekanntem bislang: Qi Gong. Ein Moment des Friedens und der Reinheit. Sandra leitet die Übungen an und erlaubt es einem, ganz feine und intensive Erfahrungen zu machen.
Vielen Dank dafür, dass ich so sein konnte, wie ich bin. Du holst das Beste aus mir heraus. Vielen Dank für dieses wunderbare Angebot!
Un massage dans cet institut m’a offert la sensation d’un voyage durant lequel j’ai pu prendre le temps de me retrouver : l’ambiance transporte loin du quotidien, l’accueil est unique et la qualité du soin surpasse tout : une attention rare et une écoute qui correspondait à ce dont j’avais besoin. Je suis repartie totalement détendue et sans stress. Un grand merci pour ce voyage intérieur qui m’a fait beaucoup de bien et que je manquerai pas de renouveler.
Bonjour, Je t’ecris ce petit mot pour te remercier d’avoir soigné mon dos avec tes „petites mains en or”. Le mal n’est plus revenu et même ma nuque est fort décontractée. Cela paraît étrange mais depuis lors, je vois à nouveau la vie en rose! 1000x merci!
Essayer c’est l’adopter !! Pour vraiment comprendre tout le sens de la relaxation que vous apportez, il faut selon moi le vivre à travers un Passeport Relaxation. Ce que vous faites est tout simplement unique et ne ressemble à rien d’autre. Merci encore pour tout ce que vous m’avez donné.
For weeks I’ve been suffering from a painful, stiff neck. I’d seen a doctor who prescribed medication and I continued to suffer mostly in silence. I met Sandra at an event and told her about my neck problem. She took a great deal of interest and explained what she thought might be causing it. I arranged a time to meet her. She gave me a full body assessment which helped me understand how my posture was possibly causing my neck problem. After a few sessions of deep tissue massage with Sandra my neck felt so much better; I had almost no pain and the limited movement had returned to normal. I would highly recommend Sandra. Not only is she an excellent masseuse but she really cares about prevention not just cause.
I have known Sandra Halbe for almost a year since she joined our mentoring group. Sandra is an incredible human being, intelligent, committed, hard working and most of all she cares about people. And this is obvious in her work being a back pain therapist. Sandra puts here heart and soul into whatever she does. What drives Sandra is that she wants to make the world a better place buy helping people reduce their stress and helping them better take care of their bodies and generally helping people live a healthier more fulfilling life through appropriate exercise, diet and management of their physique.
I have no hesitation in recommending Sandra as a holistic practitioner, she has helped me cure a physiological problem that I have dealt with for many years. Likewise has been a huge benefit to all my family we are grateful for her skills and knowledge. Do yourself a favour and work with Sandra, you won’t regret it.