Do you feel the desire within you to
finally achieve the attention and success with your skills and talents that you know is possible?

You feel it is time for a change. You want more.
Finally continuous AND increasing sales and at the same time freedom of time and space.

So far, however, marketing and business “fuss” have only overwhelmed you?
Actually, you just want to “do your job”?

I feel you!

What if it were easy?
Imagine you could realize your big vision.
Very easy?
Let’s make your wildest dreams come true together!

What’s it like for you? Does this sound familiar to you?

✘ You feel drained and burnt out because you keep falling back into old patriarchal structures that have a negative impact on your nervous system.

✘ You keep refreshing your email inbox because you hope, someone will finally get back to you 

✘ Do you hang out for hours on social media because you hope you’ll finally find the next client there?
And yet you just don’t know what to write?

✘ Do you lack the confidence to share your message with ease and joy?

✘ You feel like you have three question marks on your forehead because you don’t know how you can finally
how to finally build up or expand your business in a relaxed way.

You are a sensitive soul leader, a highly intuitive human being…

… and for this very reason you may allow yourself to be compassionate and mindful with YOU, in order to be able to meet your needs AND the needs of your clients.

Learn to completely rebuild your business according to YOUR definition of ethics, freedom and adapted to your values.

… and stop overwhelming yourself with systems and strategies that don’t suit you at this stage of your business.

Do you also feel this inner calling to break out of the usual, to finally live your definition of success and freedom with your business model?

How about the right portion of

Business Alchemy?

Discover your energy alchemy
and develop your definition of business with your magic formula.
Go outside with this magic-attracting energy and let your frequency work.

The Business Alchemy

… is the 6-month program that helps coaches and healers to work sustainably and ethically.

In Business Alchemy you will learn to find your authentic, epic business model, thanks to which you will see constantly increasing sales.

And all this without overextending yourself and overloading your nervous system.

How Business Alchemy is structured

This 6-month training is divided into 3 big books. It’s your 3-part adventure journey towards a business model that makes you feel like a million bucks and gets you attention, appreciation for the success you create thanks to your unique skills.

Every week there will be a group call where you will have the opportunity to ask me your questions in addition to various trainings. You also have the opportunity to exchange with other Business Alchemy participants in a private Facebook group.
In addition, you will receive 6 x 60 minutes of individual coaching.

Book 1 - Perceive

This first book is about clarifying the essence of your specialisation based on the totality of your experiences and freeing yourself from old fears and doubts.
You build your Conscious Business on a wonderful foundation that is completely aligned with your definition of business, success and impact.

Book 2 - Evolve

In the second book, we focus on your energy and how you want to present yourself to the outside world. You will learn how to build your community in a relaxed and easy way and attract people who fit you and love your content. Your energy will rise as you dive more and more into embracing your true essence. Flow and ease will take hold in the development of your Conscious Business.

Book 3 - Receive

The third book of this wonderful adventure journey is all about your ability to receive. You will go more and more into modelling your business and sowing the seeds with soul-aligned strategies that will create more and more the life and business of your choice.

The unique thing about this programme is that it combines business fundamentals, soul-aligned strategies, energy and mindset work. You get the all-round carefree package with which you can create your authentic success.

Sneak Peak into the modules

Module 1 - Foundation

Find the space where you are who you are and connect with your unique energy.

  • Deep Identity Work
  • Deep Inner Alchemy: Get to the bottom of yourself and your resistances
  • Ethics in Business
  • Alignment Work
  • You and your Success Rituals
You receive:
Identity Work books, meditations, videos

Module 2 - Hero's journey

Find clarity about all the important building blocks that make your specialization in your business and your message so unique.

  • You and your values
  • Find clarity about your ethical impact
  • Lineage Work: Connect with your ancestors and find out what connects you and how this supports your business.
  • Deep Inner Alchemy: connect with your uniqueness.
You will receive:
Values Workbook, Ethical Value Workbook, Lineage Workbook., Client Attraction Meditation, Lineage Meditation, Videos.

Module 3 - Vision & Mission

Connect with your true mission and clarify your vision for yourself AND your business.

  • Connect with your SoulMission
  • Find your Ikigai
  • Clarify your mission & vision statement
  • Connect with your clear and ethical message
You will receive:
Mission&Vision Workbook, Mission Meditation, Videos

Module 4 - Goals

Learn to clearly define your goals for your business AND life and learn to clearly align them with ethical standards for your clients AND the planet.

  • Zone of Genius of you AND your business
  • Create the deep and secure foundation for your clients to achieve sustainable success.
  • Integration Work: integrate the insights from the first 4 modules (book 1).
You will receive:
Goals Workbook, Ethical Standards Workbook, Integration Workbook, Integration Meditation, Videos.

Module 5 - Dream Clients

Find clarity about your client’s needs and wants. Learn how to build your community ethically and attractively.

  • Connect with your clients
  • Find clarity about your clients
  • Ethical Community Creation
  • Desire Work for you AND your clients
  • Dive into the foundation of ethical messaging
You will receive:
Dream Client Workbook, Desire Workbook, Client Attraction Meditation, Videos.

Module 6 - Products & Productivity

Learn to create clear products that your clients love and are happy to recommend.

  • Find clarity about your authentic productivity
  • Product Creation: What building blocks does each of your products need?
  • Learn how to optimally and consistently get new testimonials from your dream clients.
  • Product Range: Your Portfolio
You will receive:
Product Creation Workbook, Testimonial Questionnaire, Product Potential Meditations, Videos.

Module 7 - Wealth Foundation

Connect with your Wealth Consciousness and learn what Wealth really is. How does this knowledge serve you in your business? Find out how you can use this energy for your messaging. Ethical Price Structure

  • Connect with your Wealth Frequency
  • Learn to set and embody your conscious Money Goals 
  • Set conscious priorities
You will receive:
Wealth Consciousness Workbook, Ethical Price Setting Workbook, Wealth Frequency UPGRADE Meditation, Videos

Module 8 - Branding

Dive into the energetic branding of your business and learn how to simply, energetically and essentially brand your website and social media profiles.

  • Find clarity about your energetic branding
  • Create your outstanding branding that really suits you and gives you true recognition.
  • Grid Creation for Instagram
  • Integration Work: integrate the insights from modules 5-8 (book 2).
You will receive:
Energetic Branding Workbook, Meditation, Canva and WordPress Tutorials, Videos.

Module 9 - Content Creation

Learn how to create ethical content that’s hot with your community. Learn how you can REALLY build your content WITHOUT overloading yourself.

  • Storytelling
  • Hero’s journey – here’s to a new one
  • Ethical Content
  • Editorial Content Planning
  • Tools and techniques to help you create content
You will receive:
Content Creation Workbook, Ethical Messaging Workbook, Content Creativity Meditation, Videos.

Module 10 - Energy Polarities

Learn how you can experience true balance and flow in your business thanks to Yin AND Yang, without getting overwhelmed. Learn to optimally integrate strategy and creativity, structure and intuition into your business.

  • Energy Polarities in your community
  • 3 building blocks (J-B-B) of your business in Yin and Yang
  • Your business in flow: Set the foundation for structures in your business.
You will receive:
Energy Polarities Workbook, Flow Workbook, Heart Flow Meditation, Videos

Module 11 - Connection

Dive into the energetic branding of your business and learn how to simply, energetically and essentially brand your website and social media profiles.

  • Decision Matrix
  • Content Creation (Content Goals vs. Content Pillars)
  • Social Media Marketing – ethical – epic – sustainable
  • Editorial Planning
  • How your marketing flows thanks to the ACSE method
  • From the first contact to the lead: Freebie structure, funnel creation, onboarding processes
You will receive:
Content Creation Workbook, Meditation, Email Marketing Tutorials, Videos

Module 12 - Ethical Selling

Learn why selling is actually fun and how you can easily achieve it.

  • Money Creation Game
  • Learn why a “no” will definitely get you further
  • Ethical selling, what makes it different from “traditional selling” and why you will love it.
  • The 4 pillars of easy and relaxed selling
  • Integration Work: integrate the insights from modules 9-12).
You will receive:
Ethical Selling Workbook, Money Creation Game Workbook, Videos

You know…
there is not ONE solution that will make you successful.
There is only YOUR solution.
YOUR way.
YOUR definition of success, happiness, ease and abundance.
And you can learn to accept this and integrate it into your business in the highest and best way.

Client Love

I am Nadja, Theta Healer and Reiki Coach.
Shortly after I started my training as a Theta Healer, I met Sandra. With her incomparable way, her pure life energy, she more than enriched my path as a healer and coach. From that point on, things really took off. She is an absolute organisational talent. With her refreshing, inspiring, but also very empathetic way, she moved me to go deeper into my abilities and to perceive and implement them much more clearly. Her enthusiasm for new things is contagious. For me, she is a role model, a wonderful person who shows me that you can achieve and implement anything with joy as long as you do it out of love and enthusiasm.

Nadja Schmeil

I have enjoyed Sandra’s one-to-one sessions and online courses. I was able to dive into deeper layers with Sandra and realise things that came to the surface in the sessions. They were new insights that I was not aware of.

Sandra’s coaching sessions go deep. In Sandra’s company there is time and space to really feel and gratefully accept insights. I immediately found trust in her and was able to open up so quickly. Sandra made it easy for me to follow her intuition. Sandra’s coaching sessions are lively, profound, explorative, clear and always contain little surprises that make the whole thing very round.
Sandra’s groups are incredibly intense. The combination of her experience and knowledge makes group processes a unique experience. Sandra invests a lot of time and love in the material (workbooks etc.) in advance. This creates a high quality that I often miss with other coaches. Sandra holds the space for groups in a very special way. It is a mixture of lightness, humour, seriousness and sensing what is next not only for the groups but also for individual participants.
Sandra is a wonderful emphatic process facilitator. She bubbles over with lightness and positivity and thus encourages a change of perspective. Working with her is fun even in difficult process phases, because at the end it is always clear where the path can go and what the next steps are. I like Sandra’s intuitive and appreciative way, which has helped me very, very much in my processes.

Dear Sandra, thank you so much for being there.

Tanja Hummel

I am Steffi, Theta Healing & Hypnosis Coach and mum of two children. When I started my self-employment, I was unsure at first. Here I met the wonderful Sandra with her inspiring and infectious energy. She supported me so much in seeing my potential, in being able to grasp this energy and bring it to the outside world. I have become much clearer in my work, my visibility and my direction. She has always supported me in her loving and powerful way and pushed me to go beyond my previous limitations. I have gained more self-confidence, trust and clarity about my path.

Steffi Hahn

I felt liberated within seconds. I don’t know how Sandra does it, but she always asks the right questions. You think, yes, yes, I know what’s coming. And bang!, suddenly you’re on your own track. A track you didn’t expect at all. And which allows you to make such an immense leap forward in your own development. Every coaching session with Sandra. Always.

Petra Unterbrink

I wish for you:

✔ that through the fact that you accept your true essence, you find true fulfillment. By your definition.

✔ That you accept the gift that you are for this world at least 100% and present yourself to the world with confidence and a sense of security.

✔ That you go all-in and become Creator in Creation, that you embrace your innate leader abilities.

✔ That you create as much money as you really, REALLY want with your SoulMission, because you know that this is a sign of how wonderful you are in your mission.

That’s why I created the Business Alchemy

… the 6 months business training for your soul-aligned success

What you can expect in this programm

12 intensive and transformative modules to help you build and grow your ethical business.


Workbooks, videos, tutorials and audios that support your learning process

Weekly Live Calls where we dive deep into Deep Inner Alchemy and other tools and techniques.

The holistic blend of Deep Alchemy Work, Mindset and Strategy Work to balance Yin and Yang in business.


6 intensive 1:one sessions with me of 60 minutes each, in which we deal with your topics individually.

Every month an additional Q&A call in the group where you can ask me all your questions.

Website hacks, tech solutions and everything you need to get you up and running fast

Life-time access to all content and updates

What you need to know

You are here to free yourself from society’s expectations and judgements. You are here so that you can live out your soul mission and develop your inherent power to the maximum.

Your time is now.

What results are possible?

Result #1

You will have absolute clarity about what your SoulMission is, who you are and how you want to position yourself (#SpoilerAlert: Namely with your whole essence and truth).

Result #2

You will build pull with your true essence coupled of experience, expertise and energy and continue to grow and expand your community with ease and joy. (#SpoilerAlert: Your community is the basis of your success)

Result #3

You will have fun and joy selling your wonderful consciousness work without having to sell yourself AND be able to stay true to yourself.

Become a Conscious CEO

Build your authentic and ethical business and enjoy your success!

Because let’s face it, you are here to create true transformation for your clients AND the planet with your message and your skills. You deserve flow, turnover, success – no question about it.
It is your right to live the way you want and to do only the things in your life that you really want.

Learn to create this foundation consciously and easily, WITHOUT feeling like you are selling yourself.

Who is this program for?

Business Alchemy is for anyone who is ready for change, ready to risk past success to grow beyond themselves and old limitations.

You feel a deep “Sacred Yes” inside you?

Then welcome!

Your questions – my answers

Do I have to have a business to participate in Business Alchemy?

Absolutely not. In Business Alchemy you learn to sharpen your mission and learn to understand yourself in your uniqueness and specialisation in such a way that you can communicate your message easily and in a relaxed way.

However, you should have the ability and know-how to accompany other people as a coach or mentor with awareness and responsibility.

And you should be able to do this easily and in a relaxed way.

I still have so many open issues myself - am I ready for business alchemy?

It’s wonderful that you are consciously dealing with your issues and taking care not to overwhelm yourself. I am of the opinion that we will never be “finished” and that there are always some issues that we can and may work on.

In general, this topic is very individual and we can discuss it together in advance.

Simply book a non-binding “Free Flow to Freedom” call and ask me your questions personally.

Doesn't an ethical business limit me?

Quite the opposite! Thanks to the crystallisation of your values and your connection to the energy of your business, ethics in business also means that you can be value-full according to your rules, without having to feel like you are selling yourself.

Ethics in business also means appreciation for your clients so that they can start working with you with a good feeling.

How many hours per week will I need to implement what I have learned?

You can expect to spend around 15 hours a week implementing what you learn in Business Alchemy. However, it is important to remember that the tasks and techniques you will learn will not disappear once Business Alchemy is completed.

The techniques and routines I will show you will continue to accompany you in your everyday business life and possibly replace old habits.

The goal is for you to find YOUR business model that you are happy and at peace with. If this is the case, this work will come easily to you. If it is not yet easy for you, then you are either still in a process of adjustment or you may emphasise YOUR business model even further and more clearly.

How quickly will I see success?

To answer this question ideally, I would need to know your definition of success. Success does not happen overnight and if that is what you are looking for, then Business Alchemy is not right for you.

Furthermore, it depends on where you are before you enter Business Alchemy. You should only make comparisons with yourself.

The fact is that if you keep at it and are willing to consciously look at where resistance is and where you can find more clarity, you will create your definition of success.

Why I do what I do and why this work fulfills me so much

My Values


I want you to give yourself the freedom to create independence in time, money and place with your mission. This also means that you build a business model that corresponds exactly to YOUR definition of freedom.


What you learn from me is how to build an ethical and conscious business where you operate in full acceptance of your values, talents and abilities without resorting to toxic marketing methods or manipulation techniques.

I am Sandra Halbe

I help wild-hearted leaders and spiritual visionaries to change the world with their SoulWork and to create a wild and free life including financial freedom. In doing so, we focus on the trauma-sensitive and ethical construction of a business model that really suits this client exactly and in which and with which she feels perfectly comfortable and in balance.

I have been working as a coach, healer and mentor in my online business since 2015. For more than 20 years I have been working with ambitious high-performers, artists, athletes and coaches who have great goals and want to improve the world with their being.

I also know: you want to live more, so much more adventure. You yourself want to grow and actively approach your processes in order to fulfil your ambitious goals of great impact for your clients AND the planet.

Let’s do this!

Deep Love,


Impressum     © 2023  Sandra Halbe       Data Protection

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